Had to put this song on here.
Work update first. The motor we're working on to compare to the motor of the target we already have is progressing smoothly. Just by other people. Three mechanics are working on it, we just go around and talk to them, make sure things are working. We had a scare with the pico motors but it turns out to be all good, as we just messed with the setting of the joystick that controls them. We got to see the new motor and target modeled on a computer by Gregory and it looks sweet. For the rest of the day, Mathieu and I taught Matt math. It was slow going because both Mathieu and I had forgotten how little math we knew in the 11th grade. Derivatives aren't too complex of a concept but knowing what defines a function and a limit are definite pre-requisites we forgot to cover before delving into the subject.
Whenever I first got here, I thought the Parisians must just have their jaw dropped all the time with how beautiful their city is, but that's clearly not the case or the stereotype of a frenchman would be someone gawping all the time instead of being a douche bag (which I don't know how they got because I really haven't had a problem with that, yeah there have been a select few, but that's anywhere). But now that I've been here for a month (crazy how that happens), I've realized they just get used to it. However, I'm trying my best to not have that happen to me by constantly reminding myself I AM HERE. It's nice too because I can just wander the side streets and take in what they have to offer which admittedly isn't much, but it's still cool I can do that and not be tourist-y about it and have to hurry to see the sights.
Oh and Paris still takes my breath away. Thank God. I must be crazy when I can keep it.
"Naaa, na na nanaNA, nanaNA, Hey Jude."
-Paul McCartney
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